
Mimo Garcia

Mimo Garcia

Lay judge Mimo Garcia

Mimo Garcia was born on 16 February 1998 in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Actor with the Dramedy Theatre Company for many years (2009 – 2014). Author and anchor of the „For the kids with Slava and Mimo“ (2012 – 2015) and Field for answers“ (2015 – 2017) online shows.

Scriptwriter and director of the short film „Nasalevtsi: Poor against Rich“ (2015). TV commentator (2017 – 2018) in sexologist Natalia Kobilkina’s show „No Inhibitions“.

In 2019, he co-authored „Let’s talk together“, an online platform for psycho-logopaedic help and support. Author and co-anchor of the platform formats „Every First Monday“ (2019 – 2020) and „Short Messages“ (2021), dealing with topics such as child aggression, autism, post-stroke aphasia, child adoption, dyslexia, sexual orientation, healthy weight loss, media literacy. In 2020, during the political and media hysteria surrounding COVID-19, he set up a special podcast where a psychologist answers questions from listener experiencing panic, free of charge.

In 2021, he was sworn in as a lay judge. Founder and director of „Lay judges“ Foundation.

Mimo Garcia is also an activist blogger. He supports gender equality, the right to abortion, LGBTI rights, while taking a strong stance against dictators, false democracies and fundamentalists.

Official website: https://mimo.bg/en